Y Whittlesea Embrace the Y WA's School ReadY Program


In February, staff from the Y Whittlesea Orchard Road Community and Early Learning Centre (ELC) travelled to Western Australia for an enriching professional development opportunity. 

During their visit, the team observed firsthand how the y WA School ReadY Program is improving the oral language and early literacy of children at the Y WA Early Learning Centres.  

The two-day visit focused on the Literacy and Language component of the School ReadY program. With professional learning sessions to equip the visiting staff with the tools and knowledge needed to bring the program’s vital elements to life at their own centre. 

Among those attending the training were Aph, Sally, Rosa, and Rebecca, all of whom left feeling inspired and eager to implement the program in their own classrooms. 

Sally, an Early Childhood Teacher (ECT), shared her thoughts on the experience: “I had the incredible opportunity to attend the School ReadY Program training in February and found it to be insightful, interesting, and incredibly relevant... Getting to practice these skills [hands-on] with Renee and get her [Renee’s] advice was invaluable.” 

“Seeing the program in action at the Baldivis service was fantastic. I loved seeing how engaged the children were and how effective the program was in action.” 

“I have always had a focus on language and literacy in my practice, and this program will allow me to take it up to the next level. I’m excited to see how the program improves literacy outcomes for my children.” 

The visit provided a fantastic opportunity for collaborative learning, and both Y Whittlesea and Y WA are eager to continue working together. By partnering for progress, they aim to ensure a sustainable, long-term impact for the children and young people of Western Australia. 

Category: General, Child Care